Radio Free Malaysia

Radio Free Malaysia by Radio Free Malaysia

Radio Free Malaysia

Radio Free Malaysia is available on Medium Wave at 1359kHz each night between 9pm and 11pm local Malaysia time. “RFM will be free of political censorship by the ruling BN coalition and plans to provide a platform for alternative ideas and viewpoints”, explains founder Clare Rewcastle Brown, who is basing the programme out of the UK. “It is well known that all press and broadcast media currently operating in Malaysia are forced to unquestioningly support and promote the ruling BN coalition and to denigrate the opposition parties, while excluding them from the chance to put their own policies and agendas before the people”.

Categories: News & Politics

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TXRFM.09.05.2013 by Radio Free Malaysia

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  • 1 - TXRFM.09.05.2013 
    Thu, 09 May 2013
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